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Heavenly minded for earthly good: why eternity starts here on Earth


image composition of semi-transparent, superimposed paintings of: portrait of woman, flying lovebird, and Lamb with seven horns and seven eyes
Image collage of eternity-themed paintings "in the works" ... stay tuned for upcoming releases in my online Gallery

... He has put eternity in their hearts...

~ Ecclesiastes 3:11 (This ancient wisdom speaks to the idea that every person has a sense of something greater beyond this earth life.)

Have you ever pondered about Heaven? What do you envision? Are you picturing baby angels hovering on clouds with harps, singing and playing for eternity? Are you ready to expand your reality of what Heaven is like? Did you realize that Heaven is a world that God prepares for those who accept Jeshua (Jesus) and devote their earthly lives to Him? In that flawless realm of Heaven, there will be a residence for each believer (John 14:2). Does that seem materialistic to you? Perhaps you are viewing Heaven through the lens of earthly life, where our physical existence relies on possessions and earnings. However, in Heaven, an eternal realm where nothing diminishes or perishes and where no one dies, there is no need for sustenance from food, money, or individuals; instead, there is a complete focus of every soul solely on God, the sustainer of all life, physical and spiritual. While heavenly versions of familiar earthly things like food and clothing do exist in Heaven for us to enjoy, Heaven is a place where God is face-to-face with those who love Him, walking among them and illuminating the world of Heaven with His ubiquitous Presence (Rev. 21:22-23). He is preeminent, the supreme focal point of Heaven.

Imagine a world vastly larger than Earth, with cities, rural areas, lakes, and gardens—a world spanning the vastness of our galaxy, designed for every being ever created throughout Earth's history to inhabit. Envision a world without night or darkness and a design where nothing and no one ever ceases to exist. Does this sound too good to be true?

Do not be misled by the saying: "Some people are so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good." To those who subscribe to that notion, I would inquire: What do you believe is the purpose of eternal life? Is it merely to enjoy an everlasting existence in a flawless world devoid of danger, fear, anxiety, and evil?

When I write about Heaven, I am not alluding to an escape destination, but rather a promise that serves as a reward after this earthly life ... —a promise that can be savoured right now on Earth... pre-Heaven! How, you may ask? I direct you to the purpose of eternal life: to intimately know your Creator. Heaven is not just a reward to look forward to, and it's not only about living forever—it's a promise of eternal love, peace, and joy that begins with knowing God during this earth life. Eternal life is about experiencing a deep, personal connection with God—something that transforms your life here and now. Knowing Him is the essence of eternal life. And the opportunity to know Him is present on this earth right now because He is also your Redeemer, the One who offers forgiveness and new life. Everyone who receives Jeshua the Redeemer and believes on His name is given the right to be called a child of God, since in doing so, that person has become born of God (John 1:12-13). Eternal life starts here on earth!

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

~ 1 John 3:2-3

Contemplating Heaven and envisioning it not only provides us with a divine perspective along the path of earth life, purifying our hearts and offering unwavering hope during this earthly life through focusing on Jeshua, the Originator and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), but it also grants to us the joy of engaging in daily communication with our heavenly Father as the ultimate Best Friend. And then there are the resulting benefits of this intimate relationship: the peace and love of Heaven permeate our minds, helping us conquer all fears and anxieties and enabling us to overcome weakness and rise up with courage. Sounds like a taste of Heaven? I assure you it is!

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

John 17:3

Do you agree that our earthly world would be improved by having more individuals who embody the virtues of Heaven—peace, joy, and love—and who can conquer fears, overcome challenges, and assist others in doing the same? In other words, wouldn't this earth be better with more people who are heavenly minded for earthly good? So let's turn around that traditional saying and write instead: Those who are truly eternally minded are indeed of great earthly good!

This version emphasizes that people who focus on heavenly or eternal values through pursuing an intimate relationship with their God and Saviour, will have a positive impact in the earth. It highlights the idea that spiritual awareness can inspire practical, meaningful contributions to society.


The words I share about Heaven, eternity, and knowing God are not my own inventions. They come from Scripture, a source that I continually study to deepen my understanding of these eternal truths. The Bible—also referred to as The Book of the Covenants—serves as the foundation for my work, guiding not only my faith but also my artistic expression, in order to communicate life-giving messages. Because I seek general revelation from the Bible first, I am also able to receive specific revelation, such as dreams and visions, which always align with Scripture and reveal personal insights that I express through my art.

In my present artistic endeavours, I aim to inspire individuals with the anticipation of everlasting life and to emphasize that we can already partake in eternal life by developing a close relationship with Him while here on earth, the eternal benefits of which will be revealed in Heaven when we arrive.

Keep an eye out for the upcoming release of my latest gallery collections soon, in which the hope of eternal life rings clear!

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