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Discover Inspirational Art
that Renews Your Purpose

Spiritual reminders of hope & purpose in life

Welcome to Studio Gerbrandt Art & Design, where spiritual inspiration meets artistic expression. These collections are crafted to offer an eternal focus:  a daily refuge for your mind and a constant reminder of life's ultimate purpose. Whether you're in need of a boost of motivation to kickstart your week or a tranquil haven amidst the chaos of daily life, our artwork is here to uplift and inspire.


Remind        Renew        Resolve        Revive

artist logo tilted eternity symbol
artist logo tilted eternity symbol
artist logo tilted eternity symbol

Do you have a sacred space in your home that’s just for you? A secret place where you can enjoy reflecting, journaling, reading, or praying? Do you consider it your haven of peace amidst the chaos of everyday life? 


If you are searching for unique artwork to remind you of your spiritual focus and to encourage you, but the busyness of life prevents you from finding that perfect focal piece for your retreat corner, you’ve come to the right place!


Our art collection is curated purposefully with eternal themes in mind, intended to remind you of your bright future, to renew your purpose, to resolve your heart with the strength to go on, and to revive you in the middle of your busyness.


Here you will find unique watercolor and lenticular art that serves as a vision board for daily contemplation and prayerful inspiration. Whether it’s a hope-filled, Heaven themed watercolor or a 2-in-1 lenticular print that drifts between scenes while you focus on it, you will find inspirational, spiritually themed pieces on which to meditate and ponder truth, leading to a hopeful perspective of eternity and purpose in your daily life.

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In addition to current work related to Spiritual Themes, you'll discover a curated selection from the Early Years Collection, reflecting the progression of my early artistic journey. Themes in that collection range from sports-inspired creations to tranquil landscapes and beyond ...

Life on earth can be likened to the rhythmic dance of ocean waves brushing against the shore.


Likewise, during a phase of my life when my focus shifted from creating art towards technical and scientific endeavours - akin to the ebbing tide - I delved into contemplations of the spiritual. Today, as time's currents have found me back with my foundational passion for creating art, I have left my former art subject matter and now pursue art concurrently alongside spiritual and eternal themes.


For that reason, in our Shop, you can explore a handpicked selection from the Early Years Collection that showcases my artistic journey from the past. Along with the current Spiritual Themes, this collection includes a variety of themes such as sports-inspired compositions and serene landscapes.

artist introduces herself in a friendly pose

I'm thrilled to share my vision-inspired paintings with you!

We create unique wall art of eternal and spiritual themes, to inspire hope, purpose, and excited expectation for the future... both in this life and the next! 
We explore the interface of technical design and art, such as lenticular prints, in which medium and message are unified, to convey the promise and hope of the multi-dimensional world to come.
Stephanie A. N. Gerbrandt
Watercolor, Pastel, & Mixed Media Artist
Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada


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